One Month

In Twenty Eight days I will be launching this website. I've been working on it locally now since the start of September. The design has gone through around ten iterations and I've only shown it to two other people. Read more

The WordPress (L)OOP

It's becoming clear that I have a strange relationship with WordPress. For years, it has been my blogging platform of choice and I recommend it to a lot of people. I bought it into the workplace and we used it on a number of projects, we even rebuilt the Binamic website using it. The admin interface is solid, the feature set broad and the community strong. I love WordPress. Read more

Help Your Team. Help Yourself

Like The Internets in general, multiplayer games are (largely) anonymous. Without your real name and sense of identity you can sound off at anyone you meet, safe in the knowledge that it has no real life repercussions.

When playing online games it his highly likely that you will see people shout, scream, swear and storm out at the slightest sign that things may not necessarily be going the way they would like. Actions that probably wouldn't occur in everyday life, or even if they were somewhat accountable for them. Read more

Writing Trinity

One benefit of using a Mac is the abundance of high quality software available. There is always new things to play with, and new applications to build into your workflow.

On the other hand this also means you can spend an awful lot of time trying new apps and not enough time actually using them. Read more

Being a Code Sponge

I had the pleasure of attending @media2006 and was lucky enough to meet the eloquent cheese lover and design extraordinaire Jon Hicks. He also presented "Being a Creative Sponge" a hands on look at collecting inspiration from places you may not necessarily look and using it to fuel your own creative process.

You can find a recently updated version of the presentation on Jon's journal, or if you are hoping to stage a factually accurate sitcom based around the popular 2006 conference grab the original one instead. Read more


Project52 starts tomorrow. One blog post a week, for a year. It's going to be tough. Read more

Blazing Backups

My back-up routine currently consists of a Time Machine volume and a weekly back-up of my project folder to Mobile Me. Clearly there is room for improvement so whilst I save up enough cash to drop on a Drobo (for local secure back-up) part of the gap can be filled with the cloud. Read more

A New Name

The Critical Web Design domain was the first I ever bought, and it's been with me since I first decided to get serious about web design and make it a career. Really it's not a bad name, but as I have grown older I've become to see its problems, its inelegance and irrelevance. Read more

A Fresh Start

Having grown increasingly tired of my previous blog and website, I was in need of a drastic change - something to kick start my enthusiasm again, to help me improve as a writer and to try and have some fun. Read more